This section includes information that will be useful to all individuals and groups interested in the subject of Recovery.
The federal Substance Abuse Block Grant (SABG) provides for priority funding for women who are either pregnant and/or have dependent children, and are in need of treatment for substance use, and for men and women who use intravenously.
Services provided with no copayments include
- Individual, group, and/or family counseling
- Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT)
- Residential treatment
- Transportation
- Child care
- Case management
- And more
Please call Arizona Complete Health at 1-888-788-4408 for more information.
Related Info
- The Haven strives to become go-to resource for Native American women in recovery - Added 8/4/2023
- UArizona will help local substance-use recovery program reach more Native American women - Added 7/27/2023
- Nonprofit Provides Haven for Women Seeking Recovery From Substance Abuse - Added 8/5/2021
- Women Now Drink as Much as Men - And Are Prone to Sickness Sooner - Added 8/4/2021
- A tale of two epidemics: When COVID-19 and opioid addiction collide - Added 6/8/2020
- Overcoming addiction: how one Tucson program is helping women - Added 11/3/2016
- Treatment Approaches for Drug Addiction - National Institute on Drug Abuse
- Substance Use Among Women - National Institute on Drug Abuse
- Understanding Alcohol Use Disorder - National Institute on Drug Abuse
- Benzodiazepines - National Institute on Drug Abuse
- Fentanyl - National Institute on Drug Abuse
- Heroin - National Institute on Drug Abuse
- Marijuana - National Institute on Drug Abuse
- Drugs, Brains, and Behavior: The Science of Addiction - National Institute on Drug Abuse