Exploring New Paths to Recovery

NPR’s Marketplace featured Dr. Joji Suzuki from Brigham and Women’s Hospital to discuss treatment for substance use disorders. According to Dr. Suzuki, for the past hundred years substance use disorders have been treated as a moral failing or a criminal issue rather than a healthcare issue. As a result, less than 10% of people with substance use disorder have access to treatment.

Listen to the conversation here: https://www.marketplace.org/shows/marketplace/with-a-new-year-comes-new-data-privacy-protections/#Substance-use-and-new-paths-to-recovery

The Haven has been providing effective and affordable substance use treatment for the past 52 years. If you or anybody you know is struggling with a substance use disorder, please call us at (520) 623-4590 ext. 121.

The conversation starts at 8:14



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