Fast Pitch – A Night to Remember

On March 26, our Communications and Development Director, Emilia Honkasaari, got on stage at the Fox Theatre and shared The Haven’s Mission and Vision in a three-minute, quick-fire presentation called Fast Pitch. This amazing opportunity is organized by Social Venture Partners Tucson who has been helping our community foster relationships for almost 10 years.

Now in its ninth year, Fast Pitch has funneled more than $1.5 million directly to community nonprofits that have participated in its free five-month training program.

The Haven was one of the eight nonprofits that were selected to participate in the program this year. The class of 2024 included Borderlinks, Casa de los Niños, Children’s Clinics, Interfaith Community Services, Parent Aid, Special Needs Solutions, The Haven, and TMM Family Services, Inc.

Even though Fast Pitch is a fundraising event it is not a competition. The nonprofits come together to share their stories in a way that honors the past, acknowledges the present, and builds a better future.

After hearing the eight pitches, the audience and sponsors got to choose which organization they want to support. The Haven received $10,000 from Connie Hillman Family Foundation, $7,500 from Arizona Complete Health, and $2,000 Steve Goulding Celebration of Life Award. In addition, the audience donated over $65,000 to the eight nonprofits and Connie Hillman Family Foundation matched the donations to up to $40,000.

Emilia Honkasaari on stage

Arizona Complete Health presenting their check to The Haven

Watch the recording

Fast Pitch was an incredible experience and we’re grateful The Haven got to participate in it this year. If you missed the event, the recording is available on YouTube. We highly recommend watching the whole show, but The Haven’s pitch starts at 36:50.



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