Inspiring Celebration in Honor of Judge Steele and the Native Ways Program

The Haven celebrated its annual Chrysalis luncheon on March 5. This year, we honored Judge Victoria Steele for creating our Native Ways Program.  

Judge Steele played a pivotal role in 2005 establishing The Haven’s Native Ways Program. The program was developed after she witnessed a trend of Indigenous members leaving the program after just a few days. The members said the residential program at that time didn’t offer anything to them. The Haven brought in experts from the local Indigenous communities, and they developed a program that incorporated Native cultures and teachings in the treatment.  

In addition to trauma-informed clinical treatment interventions, the Native Ways Program includes the teachings of the White Bison Wellbriety Movement, and members engage in drumming circles, smudging, Native crafts, blessings, counseling and healing, and traditional ceremonies The program capitalizes on Indigenous communities’ strengths and resilience and provides historical trauma-informed care.  

From left: Director of Clinical Services Kelli Gacic, HR Director Latricia Clary, Judge Victoria Steele, and Outpatient Program Manager Sharese Bailey Harris

At the Chrysalis luncheon, the audience got to experience a blessing by Native American Spiritual Teacher Tony Redhouse and drumming by Native American Cultural Facilitator Denise Miller and The Haven graduates.  

Left: Native American Spiritual Teacher Tony Redhouse

Above: Native American Cultural Facilitator Denise Miller and The Haven graduates.

In addition, they heard remarks from Judge Steele and from a Haven alumna Faith Ramon who participated in the Native Ways Program. The speeches were truly inspiring and we’re so grateful that both Judge Steele and Faith Ramon shared their stories with the audience.  

Thank you to all the sponsors, attendees, members, and staff who made the event possible! 

Thank you to our sponsors!

Alumna Speaker Faith Ramon

Judge Victoria Steele 

From left: Finance Director Cynthia Duncan, Natalie Riley from our Platinum Sponsor JNR Networks, Dot Kret from DKA, and our CEO Aimee Graves

Board Volunteer Betsy Bolding (left) with Board Treasurer Jean Gadea

Cristina Baena and her colleague from our Bronze Sponsor Crest Insurance Group

Native Ways Cultural Educator Nati Cano together with her sisters, Native Ways Therapist Briana Roybal, and Canon Debbie Royals from the Council for Native American Ministry

Board Secretary Jacqueline Wohl and Board Member Phyllis Howell together with Julie Mairs at the check in table

From left: Outpatient Program Manager Sharese Bailey Harris, Native Ways Therapist Briana Roybal, Native Ways Cultural Educator Nati Cano, Residential Program Manager Allison La Croix, Director of Clinical Services Kelli Gacic



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